VRA Rescue NSW has introduced LTE and satellite backup to its radio network in a bid to make its connectivity “bulletproof” during an emergency.

The volunteer-run rescue squad service has added Motorola SmartConnect to its 50 squads and search dog teams, communications operators and a 100-strong fleet of vehicle radios.
The application enables radio communications to either default to LTE via NSW’s Public Safety Network or to satellite if the signal is lost, without needing to switch devices.
Speaking to iTnews, VRA assistant commissioner Andrew Luke said that a huge part of VRA’s recovery efforts is carried out in rural NSW, where radio connectivity can be temperamental.
As such, the organisation's radio network needs to be "bulletproof".
“You cannot pick where a disaster alert comes from,” he said.
“You may find yourself in a black spot area. You need to be able to operate and manage resources effectively in a disaster situation.
“It’s critical for our emergency responders to have reliable communication during a disaster.”
Luke added that responders “can be in the absolute extremes of alpine snow, remote nothingness and caves where radio signal does not reach”.
The SmartCollect application will be fully integrated into VRA’s fleet of Motorola’s APX 8000 series P25 radios and APX NEXT P25 devices by June 30.
“If communications teams do not have to switch between radio networks, LTE and satellite, they are free to focus on the job at hand,” Luke added.