Tennis Australia has promoted IT infrastructure manager Primoz Trcek to the role of chief information officer just months ahead of the 2016 Australian Open in January.

The appointment is a big step up for Trcek, who has worked for the tennis governing body since August 2011.
Before joining Tennis Australia, Trcek was employed at retailer Country Road, where he started out in technical support and worked his way up to eventually become IT infrastructure manager.
A Tennis Australia spokesperson told iTnews Trcek will report to chief operating officer David Roberts.
“Tennis Australia congratulates Trcek… [who] will provide strategic recommendations and contribute to the future development of the organisation to maintain a competitive advantage across grand slams and the sporting sector,” the spokesperson said.
The position was previously held by Samir Mahir, who left Tennis Australia in June after four years as CIO in order to pursue new opportunities.
During his time, Mahir used social analytics to help predict spikes in traffic and determine when to provision workloads at the 2014 Australian Open, in a project that was named as a finalist in the retail category of the Benchmark Awards.
The Australian Open hosts more than 650 journalists, photographers and videographers from 283 media outlets in 44 countries each year.
Tennis Australia notched up a record 703,899 spectators at last year's event, with 14.3 million unique website visitors, 1.2 million mobile app users and a total of 6.2 million on-demand videos streamed.