The South Australian government has begun its long-awaited enterprise resource planning (ERP) replacement, with Oracle to provide the platform.

In 2022, Treasurer Stephen Mullighan told the state’s budget estimates the Department of Finance had begun work replacing the legacy Masterpiece system.
That effort ran in parallel with replacing the mainframe Masterpiece runs on, along with mainframe environments supporting SA Police, the Courts Administration Authority and the departments of Attorney-General, Child Protection and Correctional Services.
The department issued a tender in December 2022, and today, Oracle announced it had won the contract.
The replacement will be based on Oracle’s Fusion Cloud ERP, along with Fusion ERP Analytics.
The aim, Oracle said, will be for the SA government to “standardise its financial processes and expand business insights to increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve controls across 51 state agencies."
Oracle said Finance settled on a cloud-based solution to improve accuracy and efficiency, stay in step with “changing legislative requirements and accounting standards”, and improve audit controls.
The system, to be provided to state government agencies through Shared Services South Australia (SSSA), will need to handle 3 million invoices and 175 sets of financial statements annually.
In 2022, Mullighan said the government hoped to have the new system in place by 2025.