Hackers embed poetry in malicious worm The author of the Bagle worm apparently has a softer side, security experts said this week, as their analysis uncovered -- believe it or not -- a poem embedded in most recent variant. More...
Handheld sales continue to falter Handheld sales continued to decline in the first quarter of 2004, with palmOne continuing to cling to its worldwide sales lead over Hewlett-Packard, according to market research firm IDC. More...
Microsoft denounces EU decision After the European Union released its 300-page decision, Microsoft's defence team launched a campaign designed to find holes in what will likely be one of the most comprehensive antitrust documents ever created. More...
JBoss' Fleury against open-sourcing Java One would think the president of the company that oversees the industry's most popular open-source Java application server would be in favour of open-sourcing Java technology. More...
Network Associates reports higher earnings Network Associates this week reported first quarter 2004 net earnings of US$56 million, helped by the company’s McAfee anti-virus products. More...
Peer-based security aims to protect LANs from insiders One of the biggest security threats facing IT managers and LAN administrators is increasingly the threat from inside. More...
Sony reports fourth quarter loss Sony has reported a net loss for the fourth quarter, reflecting the electronic giant's struggle to restructure its electronics business. More...